Thursday, March 11, 2010

When Was The Last Time Chris Jericho Hit The Lionsault?

Well, my actual website is now fully operational. I assure you, it is quite deadly. A lot of the content from this blog has been copied over there already, not sure if I'll move the rest or not.

Right now we have a couple of articles, weekly columns, bi weekly webcomic. Soon we'll have some videos up there too. So go there... go there now. Add it to your favorites. Share with your friends.

Please... I beg of you. For the love of all that is good, visit my site. Now back to the old and out of date blog you've somehow found:

As you may or may not know, I, along with my good friend Scott watch a fair bit of rasslin' and consider ourselves to be "smarks" (a mark is someone who thinks wrestling is real, a smark is someone who knows its fake, but loves it anyways). Anyhow, a particular wrestler (shown here) Chris Jericho has a particular move called the lionsault. See that man in peril? Surely he is about to be flattened by the soaring superstar! A pinfall is surely seconds away! Jericho is about to win the match! Right?


He never hits the lionsault. Like, ever. He has it lined up, he looks at the opponent, gleam in his eye, bounces off the middle rope, arches into a back flip and one of two things will happen: the opponent will put his knees up, "hurting" Chris, or the opponent will simply roll out of harms way, having Chris fall on his chest.

Jericho is a wrestling heel currently, so this move is usually used as a turning point in the match, where the face will use the failed lionsault to regroup, turn the tides of the match and get one over on Jericho.

But still, seriously... he always misses, and its gotten to be a running joke amongst Scott and I (and I think many fans) that he will always miss the lionsault, no matter what.

I did some research, and from what I can see, the last time he hit the lionsault was in some midcard match against Kane in October 2009. a good 4 months ago.

Scott has suggested that the move is something that Jericho just loves to miss, much the same way the legendary André the Giant used to always get knocked back into the ropes and get tangled up in them... it was his thing. Is Jericho's thing missing the lionsault? Maybe.

At any rate... I've decided to start a facebook group:

Basically, since I don't watch every wrestling event ever, I'm hoping that some other people can join me in this "lionsault watch". Join the group, and post a message every time you see a current WWE event (I guess even if you're lucky enough to be attending a dark match, those should count too), post a message when Chris attempts and hits or misses the lionsault. I'd love to track this sort of thing over the course of year or something... to see what kind of a hit/miss ratio Jericho manages with this move. Can you tell I have time to kill?

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