Tuesday, February 1, 2011

See? Dickwolves ARE Funny. Proof.

Well, my actual website is now fully operational. I assure you, it is quite deadly. A lot of the content from this blog has been copied over there already, not sure if I'll move the rest or not.

Right now we have a couple of articles, weekly columns, bi weekly webcomic. Soon we'll have some videos up there too. So go there... go there now. Add it to your favorites. Share with your friends.

Please... I beg of you. For the love of all that is good, visit my site. Now back to the old and out of date blog you've somehow found:

See? This comic is not very funny:

Being without your family is just not as funny as being raped by dickwolves.

Thanks to Scott.

1 comment:

  1. So on the one hand, the first comic strikes me as pretty typical PA. The immediate follow-up, the one where they respond to rape victims saying they didn't like the prior comic with mockery and insults, that struck me as kind of a dick move at the time. The dickwolves shirt, which I only heard about this past week, that's just a big FUCK YOU aimed at rape victims. Mike's twitter yesterday, culminating in #youarejackthompson aimed at someone asserting rape victims ought to be allowed to complain? Super dick move. I don't think PA has been sexist, I just think they've been the exact opposite of classy, and I've grown to expect better from them, so I feel disappointed.
